CAD Design and Build Services
At Donkey Work Design we want to see your designs realised. To help you on your product journey, we are now offering CAD Design and Build Services. This service is to supplement our popular CAD Design and Drafting Services and CAD Product Design Services.

What is the Process for CAD Design & Build Services?

- Empathise – Conduct research to understand who will use your product and what their pain points are with the current offering.
- Define – From our research understand what problem that your product solves for the end user.
- Ideate – Conceptually developing a solutions to the defined problem.
- Prototype – Creating a physical realisation of our concepts and ideas in a sample product focusing on one or two key features.
- Test – Returning to the end user for feedback on our concepts.
- Iterate – Taking feedback from the end user and filtering it back into the concepts. Then following these concepts through ideation and testing again. This is the key part of further developing the product.
- Manufacture – Once feedback from testing shows that the problem has been solved, manufacturing can be implemented.
Design Thinking 101 – Product design is not a linear process, it is dynamic, solutions-focused and customer-centric. Don’t be afraid to fail, that’s the most important step. Fail quickly, fail as cheaply as gets the product idea across, and take feedback from failure into iterative product design.